shop policies
Below you can find our current shop policies regarding order fulfillment and returns. Our biggest ask right now is that you select the correct shipping and read item descriptions. Please, if something is only available for pick up or delivery, do not opt to ship it. We make all of these products fresh and with care and if it is not meant to be shipped, it will probably not arrive in the condition we would like it to. We have tried to accommodate this mistake in the past, but because of unpredictable handling, we will be canceling all future orders that ship an item that is not shippable. Items are clearly marked in their description/category if they are shippable or not. Thank you for your help!
We get a lot of questions about our CSB box and subscription - so please read through and if your question is not answered, shoot us an email! You do not need to sign up for a subscription to order a box. Also, you do not need to order an entire box. If you look at the CSB page on the ordering tab, you will see listings for not only the box, but each item in the box. This way you can "customize" your box and add extras or only get what you want. Don't forget you can add anything from our signature items page. The only difference between CSB items and signature ones is that CSB items rotate each week and signature items are always available! Our subscription service is designed for people who want a box each week but don't want to risk us selling out before they order. You can read the full policy about subscriptions on the sign up form.
We currently ship all over the continental United States. If you are outside of this area, please reach out first and we will arrange custom shipping. When you are checking out, please select the correct shipping method. The "local delivery" option is for Davis, Woodland and Winters ONLY! If you choose this and your order requires shipping, we will have to postpone your order until we can collect the shipping cost from you. Standard shipped orders will go out on Sunday and usually arrive between Wednesday and Saturday. Two-day shipping will usually arrive by Wednesday and overnight shipping should arrive by Tuesday, although we cannot guarantee this, especially with the delayed supply line.
To select delivery, click "shipping" when prompted and when choosing a shipping option, click "local delivery". We currently only offer delivery to Davis, Winers and Woodland. If you are on the bounds of any of these cities, send us an email first to see if we can get it to you. If you select local delivery but are outside of these bounds your order will be put on hold until we can reach you and sort it out. CSB box orders open Sunday and close Thursday morning. Deliveries are currently going out the following Sunday from when orders open. If you order a CSB box or other type of baked good anytime during the week, your order will be fulfilled that weekend on Sunday, unless otherwise stated. To maintain social distancing, we will ring your bell and leave your order on your doorstep unless you specify otherwise.
Pick up
Pick up of CSB boxes and other baked goods also happen the following Sunday from when orders open. If you order anything during the week for pickup, it will be ready Sunday. Orders can be picked up at our cottage bakery location, 1406 L St Davis, CA (house with the lawn flamingos!). There are usually two pick up windows: 11AM - 12PM, unless otherwise stated (holiday hours). Please watch out for newsletters, emails or social media posts about shop closures.
returns & exchanges
Because of COVID-19 we are not accepting any exchanges or returns. However, if something is really wrong, please reach out and we will do everything we can to fix it! We are not responsible for shipping and handling though. We do everything we can to package your item well, but if you ship a product that is not shippable (see "Store Policies" above), we cannot guarantee it's safe delivery.